Top Of The Week

Do vocal lessons actually help?

Voice lessons will improve the sound you already have, but they won't guarantee you a singing voice worthy of fame....

Is a singing coach worth it?

Singing lessons are worthwhile because they give you the opportunity to improve your voice through training and practice. ...

What are the benefits of vocal lessons?

As adults, we tend to become forgetful and it's not just because we're getting older. Helps reduce stress and anxiety.

How often should i see a vocal coach?

Having a couple of classes a week depending on your needs as a singer is good, but if you think it's not necessary, then...

Can a horrible singer learn to sing?

While some factors are genetic, Rutkowski says that growing up in a musical environment strongly influences whether...

Are 30 minute guitar lessons enough?

Do I regularly listen to my own interpretation? All of these questions can be answered more accurately when you don't...